Despicable Me

The summer holidays are only a few weeks away and already there’s a lot of excitement (from me anyway) about two big animated releases coming up. Mid-July sees the Pixar prequel Monsters University where we see our heroes Mike and Sully first meet, but before that…

Behind the Candelabra

I am just about old enough to remember Liberace, the flamboyant, over the top, fur-coat wearing pianist. He died when I was about 11 and he had only vaguely appeared on my radar before then. As I grew older I considered him in the same vein as great British comedy acts like Larry Grayson and John Inman. Camp as Christmas and gay as they come….


One of the best books that I’ve read in the last couple of years was Emma Donoghue’s amazing Booker nominated Room – the story of a young woman kidnapped and imprisoned and her son, a child has only ever known life in one small room. I adored the book…

Man of Steel

Two months ago I wrote a list of ten 2013 trailers that had caught my eye. So far I’ve made it to the top four on the list. I’m not holding out much hope that I’ll see Much Ado About Nothing in the cinema, don’t see either of the local multiplexes getting a print…

Top Ten: Movie Fathers

This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day here in the UK. Depending on your point of view it’s either the ideal opportunity to thank our Dads for everything that they have done for us over the year or a Hallmark Holiday….

The Great Gatsby

I do my best not to judge films before I watch them but sometimes I end up with some preconceived notions about what I’m going in to see. I think more than most films this year I’ve considered The Great Gatsby before entering the cinema. I’ve read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel two or three times…

After Earth

There are many crimes a film can commit and get away with them. It can have a dreadful script but performances that outshine the words; it can have appalling acting but fabulous action and effects that confound the audience…

The Sweeney

The Sweeney was one of the top TV shows of the 1970s. I don’t really remember it, I was only 2 when it ended its three year run and don’t think my parents watched repeats of it. Certainly not when I was in the room anyway. Despite that I have always been aware of the programme…

Dare Me

Growing up and going to secondary school in Britain in the late 80s and early 90s cheerleaders were not a part of my teenage years. In fact, everything I know about cheerleaders comes from Sweet Valley High, Glee and Cordelia in Buffy the Vampire Slayer…

Calamity Jane

If there’s ever been a time in my life that I needed cheering up it’s been the past few days. My beautiful cat was run over and killed and I’ve been a total wreck since then. I’ve not been able to do any work, going out of the house was hard and even eating took a back seat. I’ve started to come out the other side now…