Top Ten: Paperback Summer Choices

In a rare moment of enthusiasm I signed up to the #SummerPaperback challenge being hosted by Sophie at Reviewed the Book. The idea is simple and based on the fact that we all have massive To Be Read piles and never seem to get round to reading the books that are growing out of their space on the bookshelves…

Top Ten: Sandra Bullock Films

Last week People magazine named Sandra Bullock as the most beautiful woman in the world this year. This cheered me a lot, I’ve always liked Sandra Bullock – she seems great fun and the kind of woman I’d like to be my friend. She seems not to take the Hollywood hoopla too seriously…

Top Ten: Book to Film Adaptations

You know I love films and I love books, so it kind of follows that I love films based on books. Sometimes the adaptations are quite poor and disappointing (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy), much less often they improve on the source material (anything based on a Tom Clancy book) but just sometimes a great book leads to a great film…

Top Ten: Feel-Good Films

Today is the United Nations International Day of Happiness. So go on, smile. If the UN says we’ve to be happy, then we’re damn well going to be happy. Here are 10 films that are guaranteed to bring a smile to my face and make me feel happy…

A break… and a return

I’ve had a bit of a blogging break for a few months, sometimes the need to read ALL the books and see ALL the films is a bit much and the fun is taken out of what should be a really important and enjoyable part of my life. I’m thoroughly grateful to all of the authors and publishers who have provided me with books for review…

Oscars 2014 Live-Blog

It’s Oscars night and once again I’m sitting up until the wee hours live blogging both the red carpet and the ceremony itself. I’m sure I’ll start the evening perky, snarky and as funny as I ever get. By 4.30 am – the approximate end time of the event – I’ll be semi-hysterical and blabbering more than ever. I do hope you stick around…

BAFTAS 2014 (Kind of) Live Blog

Live Blog of the UK TV coverage of the EE Baftas

Top Ten: Oscar 2014 Snubs

The Oscar nominations were announced earlier and everyone has an opinion on them. Including, as it turns out, me. I haven’t seen all of the films nominated and with so many strong performances and the high level of technical craft on show I wouldn’t dream of second-guessing The Academy. Having said that…

2014 Blogging Resoultions

Well, 2014. Who expected that to come around so quickly? Not me – I still can’t believe it’s a year and a half since the London 2012 Olympics. Or slightly more than a year since Les Miserables was released in UK cinemas… I can remember writing news posts about casting announcements. 2013 wasn’t the best year I’ve ever had…

Top Ten: 2001 Films

A couple of weeks ago on a Facebook film discussion page someone posted a challenge for me to name my Top Ten films of 2001. I could have just left a comment on the page with the list but thought why not go the whole hog and actually write a post. 2001 wasn’t a classic year in film and saw the release of Freddy Got Fingered, Pearl Harbor and Planet of the Apes…