Don’t Turn Around

If there are two genres I would never normally put together, it would be paranormal and crime. I like my crime to be earthy and rooted in something that I can believe. I’m a huge crime fan, it’s certainly my favourite genre however I’m not quite so keen on paranormal stories. I tend to find myself losing interest …


Imagine you’re reading a book and you slowly begin to realise that the story is about you and events in your life that you’ve hidden for over two decades? How would you cope? Would you want to know how the story ended and would you search for the author?

Jakob’s Colours

Regular readers will know that I have an especial interest in the Holocaust and genocide. I’ve been lucky enough to work in Holocaust remembrance and with Holocaust and genocide survivors. I’m not an expert by any means but even though I’ve moved on from that job I’m still fascinated by stories of the Holocaust…

The Secret Place

A couple of years ago I read Tana French’s novel Broken Harbour, a thriller about the murder of a family on the outskirts of Dublin. It is a brilliant crime story with a realistic contemporary feel, exploring the impact of recession on an aspirational young couple. I was excited by the release of The Secret Place…

Eeny Meeny

The Killer Reads Facebook page had a fabulous event a few weeks ago where readers, authors, publishers and agents came together to chat about crime fiction. It was a series of fascinating discussions and one publisher stated that she was looking for the next great thriller series with a strong female protagonist…

The Ladies of the House

Three elderly people die in a dilapidated Primrose House at the same time, Marie Gillies, a middle aged woman who has never met any of these people feels immediately responsible when she finds out about their deaths? What is the connection between the four people…


It’s not easy moving to another country, I only moved from Glasgow to Weymouth when I left home after university and it was a huge culture shock. It took me a while to get used to my new home. Even now, 15 years on, England is still a bit of a foreign country…

I Let You Go

The other day I reviewed Clare Donoghue’s brilliant crime novel No Place to Die and declared it to be my favourite book of the year so far. It really was, until the very next book I read. Clare Mackintosh’s amazing I Let You Go is not just my favourite book of this year (so far) but one of the best I’ve read in a very long time…

No Place to Die

What’s your worst fear? I’m terrified of flying (or at least I’m terrified of not flying), for other people it’s heights, crowds or snakes. One fear I would expect to see come high on the lists of most popular phobias is that of being buried alive. It’s a horrible thought, the darkness…

The Abrupt Physics of Dying

It’s often said “Don’t judge a book by its cover” but let’s be honest, we all do it don’t we? If a cover doesn’t draw our attention then it’s unlikely that we will pick up the book, scan the blurb and read the front page. For some people a pastel cover with shiny text screams “chick lit” and they’ll avoid at all costs…