The Woman In Black

I’m out of town for a few days staying in a strange hotel room. It’s a perfectly nice hotel but it’s not my home city and I’m in a room that’s not my own. There are unknown noises and strange bumps and all sorts of weird things going on. It’s what happens when you are in a place you don’t know very well. So the obvious film to watch was Hammer’s ghost story The Woman in Black…

Top Ten: Scary Movies

This entry is part 9 of 12 in the series Hallowe'en Horror Week

It’s only a couple of days now until Hallowe’en and like many other film reviewers I’ve been thinking lots about my favourite scary movies. At first I was apprehensive, I seem to have spent a long time telling you that I’m not a fan of the genre so I really thought that it would take me ages to even come up with 10 that I liked….