
It’s not enough for Disney to make huge profits from the Star Wars and Marvel universes, the House of Mouse is now exploring its own back catalogue in the search for more money-making schemes. The latest wheeze is to produce big-budget, live-action versions of the classic animations…

The Monuments Men

Sometimes a film has all the right components to make a perfect viewing experience and it just doesn’t work. The cast can be top-notch, the story enthralling, the production values great but the film just doesn’t add up. And so it is with George Clooney’s latest directorial effort, The Monuments Men…

The Dinner

Whenever I’m reading publicity material for books my hackles are raised by phrases such as “If you loved xx then you’ll love this”. It’s such a cheap way of selling a book which ignores the merits of the book being sold and attempts to piggy-back on the popularity of a previous success. I can see the merits of such tactics…


I don’t know if it’s all to do with female empowerment or if it’s what male studio executives think will appeal to female audiences but there seems to be a trend over the past few years for films with young female killers…

Robin Hood (2010)

Ridley and Russell achieve the impossible – they make Robin Hood boring

I think there’s something naturally ingrained in the DNA of us Brits – a deep love for Robin Hood and everything related to Sherwood Forest. Even the most fiscally conservative cheer when the evil rich are robbed for the benefit of the poor and Robin defeats the scheming Sheriff of Nottingham.