
I used to work with a man who has a mission to uncover hidden LGBT history in the UK. He has told me stories that are little known about gay men and lesbians across Britain – it’s vitally important that these stories are heard. They form part of our social and cultural history…


A rape analogy, a depiction of insanity brought by the relentless pursuit of power and the message that familial love is more powerful than teen romance. Not exactly what I was expecting from a Disney retelling of one of its own beloved stories but that’s exactly what I got from Maleficent, the live-action version of Sleeping Beauty…

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Harry Potter Movies

Rookie director’s amazing accomplishment

For the fifth film in the Harry Potter series we once again have another new director. The fourth man in charge thus far in the franchise and this time it feels just right.