Today is Holocaust Memorial Day, a time to remember the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust and all of the victims of Nazi persecution, subsequent genocides, and discrimination today. I urge everyone to visit the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and Holocaust Educational Trust…
The Reader
Top Ten: 2013 Reads (so far…)

Last week I wrote about my Top Ten Films of 2013 (so far), now it’s time for my Top Ten Reads. Unlike the films list this one isn’t confined to books released this year. I hardly ever read books in the year that they are first published, partly because of the cost of hardback books compared to their paperback counterparts…
Top Ten: Movie Weepies

There’s an episode of Friends which shows Chandler being berated by Monica and Pheobe because of his lack of emotions. He can’t cry at sad movies, the thought of his wife dying doesn’t do anything for him and it is only Ross and Rachel’s inability to get together that finally elicits tears. I’m exactly the opposite…
5 movies I can’t wait to see… but will just have to!

This summer hasn’t exactly been a classic. Not in terms of the shocking weather and certainly not when you look at what’s been on at the cinema. Harry Potter was the first brilliant blockbuster of the year…