Death of a Gossip

Oh the weather outside is frightful and the fire is so delightful so while we’ve no place to go let’s get reading. Actually the weather outside is frightful, woke up yesterday morning to an unexpected covering of snow outside so it was the perfect day to sit inside writing reviews and doing some reading under a blanket. It was a day to be all warm and cosy…

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Guy Fawkes

Every British schoolchild knows the lines “Remember, remember the fifth of November; gunpowder, treason and plot” and most probably have a vague knowledge of why we burn an effigy of Guy (or Guido) Fawkes and set off a lot of fireworks on 5th November, the anniversary of the failed Gunpowder Plot…