World War Z

’ve been telling everyone I can that key scenes in World War Z were filmed in my home city of Glasgow and that one of the buildings that features prominently (Glasgow City Chambers) is my dad’s office. I even shared some photos from the set. I had taken World War Z on as my own personal film…


There’s a debate that rages in literary criticism over how many stories actually exist. Is it, as Joseph Campbell would have us believe, only one – the hero’s journey? Is it Cristopher Booker’s seven basic plots or are there as many as Ronald B Tobias claims – a whole 20? No matter how many narrative arcs actually exist it’s fairly clear that there are very few original stories out there…

Bourne Legacy Trailer

Just a few days ago I made the (I think) quite bold claim that Jeremy Renner was likely to be the next big action hero, holding his own and even doing better than younger and more obvious actors like Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans…